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How to Build a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Published September 13, 2024

Whether you have just started a small, local business or are ready to expand an existing business, you need to advertise. A digital marketing strategy is the most effective way to advertise to the highest number of consumers who make up your target audience. Rather than just advertising on the television, radio, and physical marketing materials, you will be advertising on social media, through online advertisements, and via email newsletters.

Creating a robust digital marketing strategy for your business will help you better understand your target audience and get your message in front of the right people at the right time. But how do you start creating your digital marketing strategy, and what elements need to be included? Let’s explore your options.

Why Do You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy?

More than 80% of consumers state that they would rather make a purchase online, and 91% make online purchases using their smartphones. Millennials shop on social media more than anyone else, and 55% of consumers between the ages of 18-24 have purchased at least one thing from social media. In order to reach the widest audience possible, you must advertise online and cultivate a strong online presence. Most consumers turn to the internet first to learn where to buy products or obtain services in their area, or to learn more about a specific company. If your company doesn’t have a website, Google Business Profile, or social media pages, you simply will not exist to those consumers.

Factors to Consider When Designing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

The most important factors to consider before you begin designing your digital marketing strategy are:

  • Who your target audience is
  • What challenges you are facing in identifying and reaching your target audience
  • What challenges your target audience faces in deciding where to spend their money or obtain services
  • How you can overcome these challenges
  • What step-by-step actions you need to complete to overcome these challenges

The Most Important Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy

Understanding the most important components of a digital marketing strategy will make it easier to tackle each one head-on:

  • Create buyer personas of the specific types of consumers you want to target with your advertising
  • Identify your short-term and long-term marketing goals
  • List the digital marketing tools that are most likely to help you reach those goals
  • Review your existing digital channels, e.g., your website, social media pages, email newsletter, and/or Google Business Profile
  • Create a social media and email marketing calendar
  • Make a list of content ideas, post ideas, and blog content you want to create—think of ideas that will help you reach those buyer personas
  • Determine what new channels you want to use for marketing, e.g., PPC ads, Google and Facebook ads, a Lead Magnet on your website, etc.
  • Ensure all content and marketing assets are aligned so that your branding is cohesive and recognizable

Still not sure how to start building a successful digital marketing strategy? Our team of experts at MTC can help. We excel at helping business owners improve their branding, web design, and marketing strategies. Call us today or contact us online to get started.